[SALAH] CNN: Dokter Anjurkan Suntikan Vaksin Covid-19 di Penis

“Doctors Encourage Covid-19 Vaccine Injections in Penis. Doctors are discovering that for male patients the penis offer the fastest release of the vaccine throughout the body. Based on findings from a University of California study ivolving 1,500 men who received the vaccine.”

“OK, one more reason not to get it..but…I have questions! #1. Whose idea was it to even try this? #2. Where did they find 1500 men to participate?”


“Dokter Anjurkan Suntikan Vaksin Covid-19 di Penis. Para dokter menemukan bahwa bagi pasien pria, penis merupakan tempat pelepasan vaksin tercepat ke seluruh tubuh. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian Universitas California yang melibatkan 1.500 pria yang menerima vaksin.”

“Oke, satu lagi alasan untuk tidak mendapatkannya..tapi…Saya punya pertanyaan! #1. Ide siapa yang mencoba ini? #2. Di mana mereka menemukan 1500 orang untuk berpartisipasi?”

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